Archive for the ‘Politics’ Category

With Jesse Jackson back in the news (and being slammed by Nas), I have to recall one of my favorite days of my life: the day I sat on an airplane with Jesse Jackson and Dan Quayle. In 2004 I had just finished a project in Chicago, and the next day I was flying to […]

A few weeks ago the lovely and beautiful Louise V. Nielsen came to visit from Denmark, and upon the night of her arrival I of course took her to a Barack Obama victory party.  While Obama was saying all the sorts of things that seem so refreshing to many Americans and so obviously common-sensical to […]

Not sure how I missed this, but a couple weeks ago the New York Times Magazine published an interview with former Bogota mayor, Enrique Penalosa. Penalosa, one of my favorite politicians in the world, is best known for his pro-environment policies, such as encouraging bicycle commuting and constructing the world’s largest rapid-bus system. He lost […]